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Absolute Level

So the next question would have to be, why stop at four or five or six or seventy? The answer must be that the hierarchy stops at the limit of the organism’s processing ability. It may be that this ‘Top’ system is part of a system itself. However for the sake of the human system this is the highest that can be arrived at.

The model itself does not currently predict that there are seven systems as indicated, what we can say is that there is a finite number which is imposed by the limits of awareness.

Another interesting point is that the system that is at the top of the hierarchy is perfect and absolute as far as all subsystems are concerned. There are no methods of discerning any imperfections or limitations. Since there is nothing to contrast it with, it is the final and absolute context in which all other systems find their meaning.

Accessing this system it appears perfect, limitless, and all powerful since it ultimately directs the functions of all its subsystems. Most people refer to this as God. It is worth reminding ourselves that this says nothing about ‘reality’ or the existence of God, but about the ultimate limits of human awareness.

Since there is no system beyond this to provide it with it’s context it appears in awareness without reference. It ‘just is’.

Also, summing up as it does all the information from all other systems it appears as a unity. Whereas the mystical system may appear to contain every experience that we have ever had or could ever have, the absolute system sums these up so that everything appears as one thing. This has lead many a psychonaut, coming back from an acid trip to exclaim ‘It’s all one man!’.