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The Interesting Bit - So Far So Good

To recap:

This is a new way of perceiving oneself and ones relationship to the world, an expression of human experience, and although most people do not have conscious experience of this number of systems, some people do.

This model has predictive power in that it describes our normal experience but also experiences that some people call psychic, mystical or religious.

For Simplicity

The diagram to the right represents an ideal situation with control emanating from system No 7, the Absolute, and progressively flowing down to the other centres.

Because this is the Interesting Bit we shall treat the whole system as if it was working properly. For the sake of simplicity it does not include the data going upwards from each centre and the conditioning or blocks to information flow. This ideal situation does not happen for most people any of the time. If it did occur we would already be ‘enlightened’ and wholly human. Nevertheless, using the model, as pictured in the diagram to the right, can help explain much that is currently puzzling.