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The Mystical Level

This system is only one removed from what we have to call ‘The Absolute’ and there are few terms in common use that can be used to designate this level. It may be better to simply call this ‘level number six’ so as not to carry any connotations.

The purpose of this level of awareness, by inference from the model, is to be a guiding principle to all subsystems previously described, and be close to our reason for being, as defined by reference to the absolute system. All of which are attributes of the Spirit.

It is the Christian convention to picture the Spirit as that bit of God which he has shared with man. Any Christian experiencing this level of awareness might choose to adopt this description. The Buddhist might reference samadi or nirvana, the agnostic, for they are not immune, might try to reference Gia or Cosmic Consciousness.

It is in attempting to understand this system that our model begins to show it’s uses. The model can be used to make certain predictions about the nature of Mystical and Religious experience which are difficult to read from the varied and confusing reports of mystical states.

The amount of information processed at this level will be literally ‘mind blowing’ since each unit of information processed is a distillation of several psychic units which are already way beyond the intellect. We should not be surprised if people accessing this system report ‘being plugged in to a giant computer’ or ‘knowing everything’ or peering into the mind of God’. They do.

What research exists into mystical experience suggests that many people experience something like this at least once in their lives, and afterwards report having access to infinite knowledge which they can rarely describe in any words. This is what we would expect from access to the Mystical System.