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Building a Multi Layered Model

Now we are working towards a model of human awareness based around different types / levels / concentrations of information. The first difference between this model and the seven leveled theories such as chakras and rays of the previous section is that there is a clear relationship between any level and the ones preceding and succeeding it (see Systems Theory).

These kinds of nested systems have been identified everywhere, so lets take just one example from sociology.

Sociology studies social rules and processes that bind, and separate people not only as individuals, but as members of associations, groups, and institutions.

Using this definition, a society is a group of people that form a semi-closed system, in which most interactions are with other individuals belonging to the group. A society is a network of relationships between people. A society is an interdependent system.

Sociology typically identifies the following levels of group organisation:

We can picture that an individual has their own thoughts and feelings but they are influenced by the family environment. Ones peer group is bigger than the family and has it’s own way of exerting pressure to shape the thoughts and feelings generated by the self and the Family. Again our culture and social group feed into the picture of the self, but let us not forget the self also influences the family the peer group and society.

Now Sociology is an inexact science, and the above formulation ‘proves’ nothing, but we can recognise the principle, that there exists a series of nested systems to which an individual relates. We can probably also grudgingly admit that looking at things in this way has it’s uses. This will be the basis on which we build up our model.

Our model is based on seven types of awareness which starts with the Physical Level.